About the Journal


Socialscientia  Journal of the Social Sciences and Humanities is a journal publication of the Centre for Research and Propagation of African Heritage and Development, CERPAHD. The journal is a non-profit venture committed to the promotion of creativity, scholarly research and cross fertilization of ideas for the good of human society.

Our Mission is to consistently be a peer-reviewed and open access journal geared to the provision of formidable platform for communicating creative and research outputs in the social sciences and humanities. It provides interface for discourses in topical issues, prevailing debates and salient perspectives in arts, behavioral sciences, business studies, communication studies, humanities, law, education, management sciences and the social sciences. The journal is deeply committed to promoting high quality research and the dissemination of informed views, and is very keen on serving as platform for disseminating creative and research outputs on Africa and her social formations. Papers for publication in Socialscientia Journal of the Social Sciences and Humanities must necessarily be based on empirical investigation, discursive articles, position / perspective papers or book reviews.


Call for Papers

The Editorial Board of Socialscientia Journal of the Social Sciences and Humanities is pleased to invite scholarly papers for publication in the March, June, September and December 2017 editions of the journal. Broad areas of focus are issues and themes in the Social Sciences, Arts, Business Sciences, Education, Law, Humanities and related disciplines.  Socialscientia Journal of the Social Sciences and Humanities is a peer-reviewed, open access quarterly journal. Papers for consideration in the journal should not be under consideration elsewhere. The journal accords priority to empirical, discursive and position papers. It also accepts well written book-reviews.


Guidelines for Submission of Papers

  • Papers for submission should be divided into Introduction, Main body [this involves Literature and Contextual Discourses, Theoretical and Methodological Issues, and one or two more (e.g. Result, Discussion) as division-titles depending on the content and paradigm of the paper] and Conclusion.
  • Paper should be preceded by an abstract of not more than 250 words and 4 to 6 keywords
  • Pages of the paper should be numbered consecutively throughout. The title page, that is page 1, should contain (a) the title of the paper (b) authors’ full names (c) address / institutional affiliation (d) status of the author. Page 2 of the paper should contain (a) the title of the paper (b) abstract (c) key words (d) part of the introduction. This is to facilitate blind peer review of submitted papers.
  • Authors are to ensure that their papers conform to ADP (APA) citation style. Accordingly the in-text citation should be restricted to author’s name, date and page, for example Nnoli (2016: 27). This is then complemented in the out-text by the author’s name and initials, followed by the year of publication, title of publication, place [that is, name of city] of publication and name of the publishers.
  • Only works cited in the in-text should be referenced in the out-text
  • Avoid statements that link the author earlier canvassed views such as “Like I said earlier”.
  • Papers should be typed with Times New Roman, 12 point font size and 1.5 line spacing and should not exceed 18 pages of A4 size paper including title page and references.


Guidelines on the Assessment of Papers

Abstract This should capture vividly the problem investigated with some of the specific aims interrogated. Study location and duration (where applicable) should also be stated. The theoretical thrust of the paper should precede the methodology used in deriving the data used in the study. Studies that emphasize and use quantitative and qualitative data should emphasize this. Methods of data analysis used should be very clearly shown, especially logical basis for decision-making. Major findings made quantitatively and qualitatively (if they agree). Study recommendations should be informed by the problem investigated.

Problematisation (a) Has the author(s) presented the problem of the study properly? (b) Is the study novel in any way (is it contributing to knowledge)? (c) Are there conceptual challenges influencing study limitations?

Literature Review (a) Is the review able to capture relevant conceptual issues associated with the variable inherent in the topic? (b) Are theories reviewed relevant to the aims of the study? (c) Does the review contain current materials that are not more than eight years old? (d) Does the empirical review actually show how the study has contributed the knowledge? (e) Is the theoretical framework properly presented? (f) Is it related to the study aims and study assumption?

Methodology Is the researcher able to describe study location, study participants, methods of their selection, instruments (quantitative and qualitative) for data collection? The above is important where primary data has been used. Studies involving use of secondary data should emphasize: study location, types of documents collected e.g.: archival records, diaries, books, white papers, journal/periodicals etc. What logic informed materials collected (e.g. evidence of variables under investigation) Criteria for making inference on materials consulted. Methods of data presentation, Tabular method, use of established social facts, observed anomalies, anecdotes etc.

Results This should be guided by aims of the study. Where demographic features of the study participants have been sought, this should be vividly presented e.g. their mean age, most dominant age, occupation etc. Quantitative and qualitative findings on a specific study aim (where applicable) should be presented together.

Discussion Have the findings been reduced to the literature review and the theoretical framework guiding the study? 

Conclusion This should be a concise synopsis of the work and should emphasize the researcher’s answers to the research question earlier posed. Recommendation This should not deviate from the problem investigated.

Handling Charge Handling charge of N25, 000.00 (Eighteen thousand naira) only for authors within Nigeria and USD 45.00 (Forty five US dollar) for authors from outside Nigeria. The charge is paid by the author after letter communicating the acceptance of the paper for publication has been issued. Evidence of payment into relevant bank account must ordinarily be scanned and submitted before publication.   


All hardcopy submissions and enquiries should be sent 

The Editor-in-Chief, Socialscientia Journal of the Social Sciences and Humanities

c/o Department of Political Science, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, NIGERIA.

                Attention: Professor Makodi Biereenu-Nnabugwu