Political Awareness Campaign as A Probable Influence on Anambra Women Participation in Politics


Political Awareness Campaign
Anambra Women
Participation in Politics

How to Cite

Obi, E. C., Okoli, O., Chiaghana, C., & Ono, G. N. (2022). Political Awareness Campaign as A Probable Influence on Anambra Women Participation in Politics. Unizik Journal of Gender Research, 1(1). Retrieved from https://journals.aphriapub.com/index.php/UJGR/article/view/1431


Studies have shown that there has been low participation of women in politics in Nigeria Government and non-government organizations have tried to bridge this gap by creating political awareness campaigns that help increase women participation in politics. This study examined the relevance of political campaigns in influencing Anambra women participation in politics. The specific objectives are; to find out the number of Anambra women who are exposed to political campaigns, to ascertain the sources of political awareness campaigns available to Anambra women. This study was designed as a survey. Using an online sample size calculator, a sample of 385 women was drawn from 24 villages that were randomly selected. Representing the 21 LGAs in Anambra state. The study was anchored on two theories; the individual differences theory and the selective perception media effect model Findings from the survey indicate that Anambra women are not necessarily influenced by the awareness campaigns but by their personal decision and that religious belief and fear of name tagging are still major constraints to active participation of Anambra women in politics. The study concluded that there are still barriers that are limiting the Anambra women from participating in politics which are socioeconomic and cultural in nature. The study recommended, there is a need to increase political awareness campaigns using different mediums and to re-strategize on how to represent such campaigns to dispel the fears of Anambra women towards active participation in politics. It also recommended that the government should help create an equitable platform that will encourage women to participate actively by addressing decisively all the socioeconomic, cultural and political factors that limit women empowerment.