Gender And Politics


Political representation
political participation

How to Cite

Akogwu, C. J. ., Udoji, R. C., & Ezeh, K. D. (2022). Gender And Politics: A Study of Women Participation/Representation in Legislative & Executive Arm in Nigeria 2011-2019. Unizik Journal of Gender Research, 1(1). Retrieved from


The advent of globalization increased the clamor for gender representation and participation globally. However, Nigeria politics from post-colonial period till present is male dominated. Despite such efforts like the Beijing World conference on women participation in politics and the National Gender Policy (NGP) recommendation of 35% affirmative action of women both in elective and appointive positions, women yet lack adequate political representation in Nigeria. This study therefore examines the nexus between political participation and representation of women in legislative and executive arms of government between 2011-2019. The study made use of documentary method of data collection relying heavily on texts, journals, gender reports on women participation in politics like UN-Women annual gender report 2011, UNESCO priority gender equality action plan 2014-2021, INEC publications on gender and political participation in Nigeria 2011-2019, National Gender policy framework etc. The method of data. analysis used in this study is content analysis through a detailed explanations of tables used in this study. The theory of sexism was adopted to justify the level of women participation in Nigeria politics. Though from the findings, there is an indication that the participation of women in politics is prospective while there is no adequate representation in politics. Hence, with the leverage of appointments, women can be significantly represented in public offices.  Therefore, this study recommends that, relevant stakeholders should advocate and review the existing legislation on gender participation to accommodate the growing interest of women in politics both in elective and appointive positions.