About the Journal

Editorial Policy
Journal of Childhood and Primary Education (JOCAPED) is published by the School of Early Childhood Care and Primary Education. It publishes scholarly articles on current issues in contemporary society from academic all over the world in the area of Early Childhood Care and Primary Education. It publishes online through out the year. The average length of each article is expected to be 12 pages on A4 size paper, typed double space with MS Word and font size 14. All manuscript should be submitted in soft and hard copies to expedite the process of reviews and editing. Each article should be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 250 words. The APA reference of 7th edition should be adopted. Contributors/Participants are expected to adhere strictly to guidelines/Procedure contained in the poster before their articles/paper should be considered for publication.
Clearly, the views and interpretation or opinion contained in the articles do not necessarily represent the view of editorial board. Our email is  jocapedfcetumunze1@ gmail.com and website is www.aphriapub.com
For further information contact the following:
Dean School of Early Childhood Care &  Primary Education, Federal College of Education ( Technical) Umunze, Anambra State, Nigeria.
Dr. Ugboaku, P.U
Chairman Conference/Workshop Committee  School of Early Childhood Care & Primary Education, Federal College of Education ( Technical) Umunze, Anambra State, Nigeria.
Okeke, K.C
Secretary Conference/Workshop Committee School of Early Childhood Care & Primary Education. Federal College of Education (Technical) Umunze, Anambra State, Nigeria.