Safe Motherhood in Nigeria A philosophical Enquiry into Women’s Rights and Maternal Health
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In many Nigerian cultures, motherhood is revered as a sacred institution, and the birth of a child is celebrated greatly. Safe motherhood means ensuring that all women receive the care they need so as to be safe and healthy throughout pregnancy and childbirth. Safe motherhood practices ensure improvement in the quality and safety of lives of women through adoption of healthy and non-healthy strategies. Nutrient intake, medical and lifestyle factors can adversely influence the health of the pregnant woman, fetal development, growth and the condition of the newborn. Most of the women especially in the rural areas are ignorant of some basic principles of health promotion, maintenance and balanced diet during pregnancy. The paper therefore reviewed the safe motherhood practices of pregnant women in Nigeria with particular interest on maternal health requirements, health needs of pregnant women, societal norms, cultural and ethical dimensions and philosophical enquiry into women's rights. The authors recommended among others, the need for sensitization and seminars to be organized by health officers and stakeholders against some societal norms and cultures that are contrary to safe motherhood.