Repositioning Health Education for Sustainable National Development
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Nigeria, a diverse and populous nation, faces significant health challenges that impact its sustainable development. To address these issues and build a healthier, more prosperous future, it is imperative to re-evaluate and strengthen health education curriculum and initiatives. This lead paper discusses the critical role of health education in promoting sustainable national development in Nigeria. It explores the current state of health education in the country both as a health care delivery strategy and as an academic subject and discipline. Gaps in health education curriculum delivery and key challenges where exposed. The paper illuminates opportunities for improvement with workable strategies proposed for effective repositioning of health education towards achieving the desired goals. Particularly the paper emphasised a paradigm shift in the health education degree curriculum as a major driver of the proposed change in health education delivery in various settings. It identified barriers and responsibilities towards repositioning health education in Nigeria. Conclusion was drawn to the effect that by understanding the importance of health education and effecting a paradigm shift in curriculum and delivery strategies, Nigeria can improve health outcomes, reduce disease burden, and create a more equitable and sustainable society. Suggestions made for effective repositioning include among others that health education professional associations should be proactive in advocating for a legislation for the professionalisation of health education so that we can have a regulated health education practice as is the case in advanced countries. They should equally be actively involved in the development and review of health education curriculum to continuously reflect societal shift.