About the Journal
African Journal of Social and Behavioural Sciences (AJSBS) is the official journal of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria. The AJSBS (ISSN 2141 – 209X) is a scholarly refereed, open access source for a large number of high quality and peer reviewed journals in all the fields of social and behavioural sciences utilizing multi-dimensional research approaches in the conduct of scholarly inquiry. These approaches include theoretical, empirical and experimental methods in the areas of Politics, Public Administration, Public Relations, Communication, Geography, Environmental Management, Information Sciences, Sociology, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Crime and Delinquency, Economics, Financial Management, etc.
Research Paper Publishing Policy
AJSBS publishes Research Articles, Case Studies, Review Articles, Reports etc., written in English from interested scholars and researchers in the academic community, industry and other establishments. All manuscripts received will be “double blind” peer-reviewed. Papers those found publishable will eventually be considered for publication. The paper must be an original work of the author(s) that has not been published nor is undergoing review elsewhere.
Publication Frequency
The AJSBS is published twice annually. Journal items are published collectively as part of an issue with its own Table of Contents.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party without a written request of the contributor.
Manuscript Preparation Guidelines
- The manuscript should be typed on A4 Paper, double spaced, not exceeding 25 pages including tables figures and references with 25mm (1 inch) margin all through (Left, Right, Top and Bottom) using 12 point Times New Roman.
- It should have a cover page indicating the title of the paper/article, author(s) details including affiliation, email address and telephone number.
- The first text page of the paper should have the title of the paper and the abstract. The name(s) of the author(s) should not appear on this page and the abstract should be single spaced not exceeding 250 words.
- All tables, diagrams, results, etc. should be numbered sequentially and in the order in which they are referred to in the text.
- Submissions should be made in Ms Word for easy editing.
References that are cited in the paper should be written in the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th Edition format. For example:
References – Book:
Anderson, D. (2001). Beyond Change Management: Advanced Strategies for Today’s Transformational Leaders. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.
References – Book Chapter:
Goodman, M. (1955). Organizational Inertia or Corporate Change Momentum. In D. P. Cushman & S. Sanderson (Eds.), Communicating Organizational Change: A Management Perspective (pp. 95-112). Albany, NY: New York Press.
References – Journal/Periodical Articles:
Hijzen, A., Upward, R., & Wright, P. W. (2010). The Income Losses of Displaced Workers. Journal of Human Resources, 45(1), 243-269.
Submission and Review Procedure
Electronic copy of manuscript should be sent by e-mail to: [email protected] and [email protected] or hardcopies can be submitted/mailed to;
The Chief Editor,
African Journal of Social and Behavioural Sciences (AJSBS),
Faculty of Social Sciences,
Imo State University,
PMB 2000,
Owerri, Nigeria.
A review fee of N10, 000 (or equivalent in USD for international authors) should accompany all manuscripts before they can be reviewed. Upon receipt, the paper will undergo internal checks for suitability before “blind peer” review. After the review, the manuscript may be returned to the author(s) to effect the need corrections.
Each accepted paper attracts a publication fee of N20, 000 (or equivalent in USD for international authors). This must be paid before the paper is published. Payments can be made either through direct bank transfer or bank draft into the journal account details that will be communicated to authors upon receipt of their manuscripts.
The submission of a manuscript implies an understanding that the paper is not actively under consideration for publication elsewhere and once accepted, author(s) cede the copyright to the Faculty of Social Sciences, Imo State University, Owerri, the publisher of AJSBS.
Publication Office: Faculty of Social Sciences, Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria.
Principal Contact
Assoc. Prof. Hillary I. Ekemam Ph.D.
Faculty of Social Sciences,
Imo State University,
Owerri, Nigeria.
Phone: +2348037069442
Support Contact
Richards E. Ebeh Ph.D.
Faculty of Social Sciences,
Imo State University,
Owerri, Nigeria.
Phone: +2348033689174