Unified Local Government in Nigeria


Beneficial or Detrimental
Intergovernmental Relations
National Development
Service delivery and Unified Local Government

How to Cite

PIATE, S. M., & AKPAN, E. D. (2024). Unified Local Government in Nigeria: Beneficial or Detrimental to National Development. AKSU Journal of Politics and Society, 1(1). Retrieved from https://journals.aphriapub.com/index.php/AJOPAS/article/view/2810


The study examines the causal relationship between the unified local government system in Nigeria and National development as envisaged by the 1976 Local Government reforms and guaranteed by the 1979 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (CFRN)(as amended). Put in other words, whether or not the unified local government system in Nigeria is beneficially or detrimental to National Development. The theoretical framework adopted for the study was Development School of thought. The utility of this theory to the study is that it highlights that the basic need for the creating of local government is development, this is because the role of enhancing democratic participation and delivery of efficient and effective social services are ultimately development oriented. The findings from the study reveal among other things that it appears the inconsistencies in the constitutional provisions, the overbearing influences of the state governors, corruption and pattern of intergovernmental relations has done mischief against this noble effort and by extension crippled local government as an instrument of fostering national development. The study therefore recommends among other things, amendment in Section 2(2) CFRN, Sections 7 and 8, item 22 of the Exclusive Legislative List in the Second Schedule Part I, paragraph 15(a) of Part I of the third schedule, Section 197(b), item 3 and 4 part II of the third schedule, Section 162(b)(5)(7) and (8) and Section 7(6)(b) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.