ZIK JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH 2024-12-01T12:00:30+00:00 C. E. Nwafor [email protected] Open Journal Systems Could Self-Esteem Moderate the Relationship between Occupational Stress and Depressive Symptoms among Police Officers? 2024-12-01T11:23:35+00:00 Okechukwu Christian Onuoha [email protected] <p>This study examined the moderating role of self-esteem on the relationship between<br>occupational stress and depressive symptoms among police officers. A total number of one<br>hundred and seventy three (173) police officers participated in this study. Their ages ranged<br>from 28 to 59 years with mean age of 40.77 and standard deviation of 7.44. Their academic<br>qualification includes secondary school and university graduates. Operational police stress<br>questionnaire, Beck depression inventory and self-esteem questionnaire were used for data<br>collection. While moderated regression analysis was adapted for data analysis. Occupational stress predicted depressive symptoms at β = .46, t= 7.09, p &lt; .01. Thus, first hypothesis was confirmed. Self-esteem significantly and negatively predicted depressive symptoms at β = -.43, t=-4.57, p &lt; .01, hence, the second hypothesis was confirmed. Furthermore, the third hypothesis was confirmed; indicating that self-esteem moderated the relationship between occupational stress and depressive symptoms at β = -.33, t= - 3.68, p &lt; .01. Based on the findings, the researcher recommended among others that there is need for a periodical evaluation of police officers in respect to occupational stress, depressive symptoms, as well as their level of self-esteem; so as to be proactive in preventing further development of clinical psychopathology.&nbsp;</p> 2024-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ZIK JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH Validation and Adaptation of Perceived Societal Marginalization Scale among the Sample of Igbo Ethnic Group of South East, Nigeria 2024-12-01T11:16:25+00:00 Adannia Amalachukwu Dike [email protected] Charles O. Anazonwu [email protected] <p>The present study tries to validate and develop a sound psychometric scale that can be used to measure perceived societal marginalization (PSM) in Nigerian context, particularly among Igbo sample. Perceived societal marginalization, defined as people’s subjective perceptions of the lack of recognition of their own social groups in the domains of economy, culture, and politic, is known to be a predisposition that individuals or group living with it anxiously struggle with identity status and discontent in the current globalization and modernization. While the literature identifies several psychological determinants of this discontent, systematic measurement approaches based on welldefined<br>constructs that cut across cultures are rare. Here, we tried to validate and adapt perceived<br>societal marginalization of Bollerk, Schlipphak and Back (2021) to suit Nigeria context. We<br>administered the questionnaire to 160 respondents (valid) to determine its factor structure and the data collected were subjected to factor analysis (validity and reliability) using SPSS 23. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was carried out and varimax rotation technique was used for rotating the factors. PCA yielded two instead of three-factor structure, with cultural dimensions removed due to cross and low loading of the items. The two remaining factors accounted for .68% of the variance. The present scale can be used for further research and can serve as a guide for development of intervention program concerning marginalization crisis in Nigeria to build an integrated and peaceful developed nation.</p> 2024-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ZIK JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH Effect of Meseron Therapy in the Management of Patient with Somatic Symptoms 2024-12-01T11:08:52+00:00 Sunday Obruche Erakpotobor [email protected] Rita Ugokwe-Joseph [email protected] Valentine Ucheagwu [email protected] Abraham Terfa Naibo [email protected] <p>This paper reports effect of Meseron therapy in the management of patient with somatic symptoms in a clinical case of Stella, a 26 year old female undergraduate with somatic symptoms. Referred to the psychological service unit following persistent complaints headache, stomach ache, heart and chest pains, tingling sensations and fainting attacks for the past two years. Had been diagnosed and treated for Malaria and Peptic ulcer disease by consulting physicians in some episodes. Patient kept visiting the clinic with the same presenting complaints in the absence of positive test for Malaria and other medical conditions, hence the referral. A total of three therapy sessions with a series of homework was conducted after Somatization was confirmed in a clinical interview and SCL-90 test. A carefully planned Meseron therapeutic techniques outline was formulated as a therapy guideline in a period of three weeks. At the end of Three weeks, Stella felt and verbalized relief from her unwanted anxiety provoking condition as also confirmed by SCL-90. A four weeks follow-up further confirmed that the therapeutic gain of Meseron therapy was sustained. </p> 2024-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ZIK JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH Role of Interest and Social Contact on Approval of Illegal Behaviour in Awka Metropolis, Anambra State, Nigeria 2024-12-01T11:45:54+00:00 Edwin Chukwuka Enunekwu [email protected] Augusta Onyebuchi Ojobu [email protected] Uche V. Okpaleke [email protected] Ifeanyichukwu I. Okpaleke [email protected] Emeka Anthony Nwankwo [email protected] <p>The study examined the role of interest and social contact on approval of illegal behaviour in Awka metropolis, Anambra State, Nigeria. Two hundred and forty-four youths drawn from Awka metropolis, Anambra state served as participants in the study. They comprised of 126(59.8%) males, and 118(40.2%) females. Their age ranged from 18 to 39 years with a mean of 28.06, and a standard deviation of 6.36. Simple random sampling was used to choose the participants. Three instruments were used: Interest Scale, Social Contact Scale (SCS), and Approval of Illegal Behaviour Scale. The study used factorial design, and Two-Way analysis of variance (ANOVA) as appropriate design and statistics. The result indicated that interest and social contact corrected model accounted for 57.8% variance on approval of illegal behaviour, with (F3, 40) = 56.09, p&lt;.05; R = .578, R2 adjusted = .567. However, interest did not indicate a significant difference on approval of illegal behaviour in Awka metropolis, Anambra State at (F3, 40) = 3.46, p&gt;.05 at 0.2%. Conversely, social contact showed a significant difference on approval of illegal behaviour in Awka metropolis, Anambra State at (F3, 40) = 33.34, p&lt;.05 at 21.3%. There was a significant interaction between interest and social contact on approval of illegal behaviour among youths in Awka metropolis, Anambra State at (F3, 40) = 3.97, p&lt;.05 at 0.3%. This implies that forensic psychologists are expected to engage in public awareness of social contact, and how it can negatively cause approval of illegal behaviour. This will help to educate youths on how to relate socially without approving illegal behaviour. </p> 2024-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ZIK JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH Marketing Strategy and Consumer Trust as Predictors of Online Buying Behaviour among Users of Online Purchasing Platforms in Awka, Anambra State 2024-12-01T11:38:08+00:00 Ifenna D. Ezeanya [email protected] Chinedu Precious Ani [email protected] Kingsley O Anene [email protected] Chidozie Emmanuel Mabia [email protected] Stephen Ebuka Iloke [email protected] <p>The study examined marketing strategy and trust as predictors of online buying behaviour. Data were collected from199 users of online purchasing platforms in Awka metropolis. These comprised of 65 male (32.5%) and 134 female (67.0%). A purposive sampling<br />technique was used for selection of participants. The participants ranged from 11 to 43 years, with a mean age of 21.56 years and standard deviation of 3.16 years. Three selfreport survey instruments were utilized for the study: the marketing strategy scale by<br />Chikweche and Fletcher (2010), the consumer trust scale by Gefen et al. (2003) and the online consumer behaviour scale by Ansari (2019). Predictive correlational design was adopted for the study, while multiple regression was used for data analysis. Two hypotheses were tested and results showed that both marketing strategy and trust significantly and positively predict online buying behaviour. This implies that marketing strategy and consumer trust are important factors that can influence online buying behaviour. It was recommended that online businesses should also provide quality services in order to build consumers’ confidence and trust to engage in online shopping. </p> 2024-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ZIK JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH Moderating Role of Institutional Quality between Company Income Tax and Economic Growth in 15 West African Countries 2024-12-01T11:32:12+00:00 Michael Samuel Agility [email protected] Muhammad Yusuf [email protected] Ibrahim Kabiru Maji [email protected] Nnanna P. Azu [email protected] <p>This study seeks to examine Moderating Role of Institutional Quality Between Company Income Tax (CIT), and Economic Growth in 15 West African Countries. In the context of selected West African countries, the links between corporate income tax, institutional quality, and economic growth are of particular interest. To achieve this study, this research employed the Dynamic Panel ARDL model: (An Application of Mean Group (MG) and Pooled Mean Group (PMG) Model) and a robust dataset comprising 345 observations from diverse West African countries. The data covers a range of key economic variables, including gross domestic product (GDP), corporate income tax (LNCIT), institutional quality (LNITQ), trade openness (LNTOP), inflation rate (LNINF), interest rate (LNINT), exchange rate (LNEXR), and tax effort ratio (LNTER). By analyzing these variables and their interrelationships through rigorous statistical methods, we aim to provide valuable insights into the mechanisms influencing economic growth in the region. In the following sections, presented the<br>descriptive statistics and correlation matrices for the economic variables under study. Then<br>proceed with the Error Correction Estimation (MG and PMG) to identify the most suitable model for analyzing the relationships. Therefore, the interpretation is based on the PMG. LNCIT, LNITQ, LNTOP, LNINF, has a positive relationship with GDP while LNCITITQ and LNEXR has a negative relationship with GDP. A unit change in LNCIT, LNITQ, LNTOP, LNINF, GDP increases by 3.159 (10.530), 346.741 (744.897), 0.414 (0.340) and 0.001 (0.423) respectively. A unit change in LNCITITQ and LNEXR, GDP decreases by -29.023(56.963) and -0.405(0.545). Any movement from disequilibrium, the speed adjustment is corrected by -0.240. The findings suggest that various economic indicators influence economic growth differently in different countries. Policymakers should consider these insights while formulating tax policies, improving institutional quality, and attracting foreign investment to promote sustainable economic growth in the selected West African Countries.</p> 2024-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ZIK JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH Association between type of Crime and Length of Incarceration in the Manifestations of Psychopathological Symptoms among Prison Inmates 2024-12-01T11:25:52+00:00 James R. Sunday [email protected] Akwaowo Ita Umoh [email protected] Victoria F. Okon [email protected] <p>Literature review have shown that mental illness can be higher up to 34 to 57% in prisons than general population but research is scanty in the manifestation of psychopathological symptoms especially in Nigeria. This cross-sectional study investigated the association between types of crime and length of incarceration in the manifestation of psychopathological symptoms among Prison inmates. The total number of participants was 257, made up of 237 males and 20 females with an average age of 33.4years. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire which comprises of validated measures of General Health Questionnaire (GHQ28) and a section for demographic variables. Two hypotheses were tested at p=0.05 level of significance. Zero-order correlation was used to test the two hypotheses. Results showed that participants who stays longer (Length of Incarceration) reported more psychopathological symptoms (R = 0.786, p &lt; .01) while correlation with types of crime and time of awaiting trial was not significant (R = 0.012, p &gt; .05) and (R = 0.107, p &gt; .05). Looking at the different psychopathological symptoms, anxiety/insomnia symptoms and severe depression only showed a significant positive correlation with length of incarceration (R = 0.183, p &lt; .01) and (R = 0.162, p &lt; .05). However, the result also revealed that somatic symptoms and social dysfunctions did not have significant correlation with any of these variables (duration of incarceration, level of crime and time of awaiting trial). These findings were discussed and there is need to enhance the mental health status of inmates for continual adaptation to the prison environment was recommended. </p> 2024-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ZIK JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH Authoritarian Parenting Style and Stress as Predictors of Suicidal Ideations among University Undergraduates 2024-12-01T11:19:21+00:00 Okechukwu Christian Onuoha [email protected] Godwin Chinemerem Umeobi [email protected] Modupeola Bibitayo Tobih [email protected] Chukwudi Daniel Nwosu [email protected] Anulika Onyinyechukwu Nnadozie [email protected] <p>This study investigated the relationship between authoritarian parenting styles and stress as predictors of suicidal ideation among university undergraduates. Purposive sampling method was utilized in the selection of two hundred (200) undergraduates from four different departments; they include 140 female and 60 males. Their age ranged from 18 to 25 years with mean age of 22.50 years and standard deviation of 3.50. Four instruments, namely: Scale for Suicidal Ideation, Authoritarian Sub-Scale of Parental Authority Questionnaire, Stress Sub-Scale of Depression Anxiety and Stress, and Brief Resilience Scale were used for data collection. Correlational design was used as the design for the study, while moderated regression analysis was adopted as statistical tool for analysis. The result revealed that authoritarian parenting style positively and significantly predicted suicidal<br>ideation at (β=2.76, t=5.50, p&lt;.001). Also, stress positively and significantly predicted suicidal<br>ideation at (β=2.64, t=5.96, p&lt;.001). It was also found that resilience moderated the predictive relationship between authoritarian parenting style and suicidal ideation at (β=-3.71, t=-4.35, p&lt;.001). Furthermore, resilience also moderated the relationship between stress and suicidal ideation at (β=-1.96, t=-2.52, p&lt;.05). Based on the finding, the researchers recommended among others, that university undergraduates’ should be properly oriented on the possible stressors that they should expect to see in their journey of student hood, so as not to be taken unaware (preparedness).</p> 2024-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ZIK JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH Effects of Psychoeducation and Acceptance Commitment Therapy on Anxiety for use of Hormonal Contraceptives among Women in Awka South Local Government Area 2024-12-01T11:13:14+00:00 Onyinye O Umenweke [email protected] Jude Obinna Ezeokana [email protected] Chukwuemeka Arinze F. Okoye [email protected] Chinwe, I. Onyemaechi [email protected] <p>This study examined the effect of psychoeducation and acceptance and commitment Therapy on anxiety for use of Hormonal Contraceptives among Women in Awka South Local Government Area. A total of 36 women with anxiety for use of Hormonal Contraceptives among Women in Awka South Local Government Area who were within the age range of 18 to 45 years, mean age of 29.67 and standard deviation of 8.4 were recruited from Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Teaching Hospital, Amaku, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria. The participants were administered the State Trait Anxiety Inventory. The study made use of between subject pre-test\post-test research design and One-Way Anova statistics. The first hypothesis indicated a significant effect between psychoeducation and the control group at F (1, 47) P&lt;.05. The second hypothesis was accepted indicating a significant effect between Acceptance Commitment Therapy and control group at F (1, 47) P&lt;.05. The third hypothesis was rejected indicating psychoeducation had less effect than<br>Acceptance Commitment Therapy at F (1, 48) P&lt;.05 respectively. It is however recommended that psychoeducation and Acceptance Commitment Therapy are effective and safe treatment for anxiety for use of hormonal contraceptives among Women in Awka South Local Government Area, Amaku, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria. It is further suggested for studies to cover more women diagnosed with anxiety foruse of hormonal contraceptives so that more generalizable result is obtained.&nbsp;</p> 2024-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ZIK JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH Parental Styles and Moral Disengagement as Predictors of Attitude towards Cybercrime among Undergraduates 2024-12-01T11:41:45+00:00 Chiamaka Vivian Okeke [email protected] Harry Obi-Nwosu [email protected] Okechukwu Christian Onuoha [email protected] <p>This study examined parental styles and moral disengagement as predictors of attitude towards cybercrime among undergraduates of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka. Purposive sampling method was utilized in the selection of two hundred (196) undergraduates from four different departments; they included 148 female and 48 male. Their age ranged from 18 to 25 years with mean age of 22.18 years and standard deviation of 1.82. Three instruments, namely: Attitude towards Cybercrime (ATC); The Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ), and Moral Disengagement Scale (MDS). Correlational design was used as the research design in the study, while multiple linear regression analysis was adopted as statistical tools for analysis. The result showed that authoritative and authoritarian parental style are not among the predictors of attitude towards cybercrime among undergraduates at β = .-124, t = -1.726, P &gt; .05 and β =.020. t = .272, P &gt; .05 respectively. Thus hypothesis one and two were rejected. However, it was observed that permissive parental style and moral disengagement predicted attitude towards cybercrime; as such, hypothesis number three and four were accepted at R2=.273, F(191,195)=19.35, P&lt;.001 and R2=.027, β= .164, t=.2.316, P&lt;.05 respectively. Based on the research outcome, it was recommended among many other that Parents’ should adopt positive parenting style filled with warmth relationship between parents’ and children as well as appropriate communication so as to reduce the observed high rate of cybercrime among University undergraduates.&nbsp;</p> 2024-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ZIK JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH Influence of Educational Attainment and Alcohol use on Occupational Safety among Commercial Vehicle Drivers in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State 2024-12-01T11:35:30+00:00 Akwaowo Ita Umoh [email protected] James Robson Sunday [email protected] <p>The study investigated the role of educational attainment and alcohol use as factors that determine occupational safety among commercial vehicle drivers in Uyo, Two hundred and fifty two (252) male commercial vehicle drivers were purposively selected. Respondents’ ages ranged from 22 to 60 years. A descriptive survey design and 2-way Analysis of variances with unequal Sample size is employed for data analysis. Three hypotheses were tested at p-0.05 level of Significance. Results show that there was significant main influence of educational attainment on occupational safety [F (1, 230) = 14.408, p &lt;.001] as well as significant main effect of alcohol use on occupational safety [F (3, 230) = 23.474, p&lt;.001]. Also, the result shows that there was significant interaction influence of education and alcohol use in occupational safety [F (3, 230) =8.193, p &lt;.001]. Further analysis shows that participants with low risk alcohol use reported the lowest means score on occupational risk (M = 22.16, n = 116, SD = 5.20) while those in addiction level of alcohol use reported the highest occupational risk (M = 29.54, n = 33, SD 7.09). The result further reveals that there was significant mean difference between low and medium risks (LSD = 4.6688, p &lt; .05), low and high risk (LSD = 5.6338, p &lt; .05) and low and addiction (LSD = 7.4657, p &lt;.05). Significant mean difference was also reported between medium risk and addiction (LSD = 2.7969, p &lt; .05). Furthermore, the result shows that there was a significant mean difference between drivers with FSLC and SSCE (LSD = 3,21675, p&lt; .05) on occupational safety. Also, there was a significant difference between drivers with SSCE and those with SSCE and above (LSD = 2.67522, p&lt; .05) on occupational safety. Given the relatively high prevalence of hazardous drinking among commercial drivers, implementing pre-employment screening could effectively convey the message that alcohol-related policies are strictly enforced by<br />the employer. The practical implications and findings of the results were thoroughly examined, leading to effective recommendations. </p> 2024-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ZIK JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH Interrogating the Prevalence, Determinants and Consequences of Suicide among Youths in Nigeria 2024-12-01T11:29:49+00:00 Rejoice Chizoba Nwachukwu [email protected] Clement Emeka Ikezue [email protected] <p>Suicide is a social problem that has been in existence in human history for a very long time. It appears that every civilization in human history witnessed its fair share of people who for one reason or the other were unwilling to continue to stay alive. In the contemporary era, the prevalence of suicide is not only disturbing but appears to be only way out for the persons involved. This paper therefore interrogated the prevalence of suicide in our contemporary era among youths in Nigeria. The paper also examined the determinants of suicide, the consequences of suicide and offered remedial measures for mitigating the phenomenon in our contemporary Nigerian society. This is a theoretical paper which is anchored on the General Strain Theory by Robert Agnew (1992) and the Classical Theory of Suicide by Emile Durkheim (1897). It was found that Nigeria ranked 72nd in the world as at 2019 in global suicide deaths documentations with 18,608 suicide deaths recorded per year. Determinants of suicide were found to include personal risk factors like financial constraints, family history of suicide, loss of loved ones, mental illness, physical illness, substance abuse, depression and so on. The consequences of suicide were found to include economic hardship on the bereaved when the victim is the breadwinner, stigmatization and psychological/emotional trauma. The paper recommended among others that parents should learn to befriend their children; they should learn to study them, understand their moods and their body language and give the necessary support to them. </p> 2024-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ZIK JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH