Applications of Max Weber’s Theory of Rationalisation in Nigeria’s Political System


1999 constitution
Boko Haram

How to Cite

Iheanyi , V. E., Udeji, N. .C., & Nwogu, J. .N. (2024). Applications of Max Weber’s Theory of Rationalisation in Nigeria’s Political System. Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka Journal of Sociology, 10(1). Retrieved from


This paper extrapolates a critical exposition of rationalisation theory in Nigeria’s political system as expounded in the works of Max Weber. Rationalisation has become a pivotal theoretical postulation in sociological parlance of understanding virtually all aspect of human society. Rationalisation has received global acceptance for being the outcome of scientific and technological advancement. This paper reviewed the application of rationalisation theory in Nigeria’s political system with particular reference to the 1999 obnoxious constitution which the Military Government foisted on Nigerians prior to their exit from politics of governance in 1999. The 1999 constitution has many lacunae as it failed to address salient issues bothering on devolution of power, state creation, resource control, true federalism, restructuring and power rotation. The article being a theoretical paper, relied solely on secondary data. The theory of rationalisation has no doubt contributed immensely in massive development and industrialization of cities. Rationalisation is found wanting among other things for bringing about great dehumanization to mankind.  Corrupt and selfish politicians have capitalized on the flaws in 1999 constitution to exploit the Nigerian masses as propounded by Karl Marx. The criticisms notwithstanding, rationalisation is of immeasurable significance as it offers a broad-based approach covering every aspect of human endeavours. Corruption, nepotism and lacunae in 1999 constitution posed serious threats to the development and corporate existence of Nigeria. These gave rise to agitations for self-determination by various groups in Nigeria.  There is great need for Nigeria to jettison the 1999 constitution and adopt a new people oriented constitution.