African Psychologist: An International Journal of Psychology and Allied Profession
African Psychologist journalDepartment of Psychology, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awkaen-USAfrican Psychologist: An International Journal of Psychology and Allied ProfessionModerating roles of workplace spirituality on work-life balance and employee engagement among bank employees in Delta State.
<p>The study examined the moderating roles of workplace spirituality on work-life balance and employee engagement among bank employees in Delta State, Nigeria. The participants were 249 bank employees whose ages ranged from 26 and 49 years with a mean age of 33.50 years and a standard deviation of 3.20. The study adopted a correlation design using moderated regression statistics to test the hypotheses using two regression models. The result indicated that there were significant correlations among the variables with the work-life balance having negative but significant correlations with workplace spirituality and employee engagement. Analysis of the Beta coefficient showed that work-life balance has a negative significant predictor effect on employee engagement at β = -0.72, p < .01 (n = 249) while workplace spirituality had a positive predicting effect at β = 0.44, p < .01 (n = 249). It was found that work-life balance significantly predicted employee engagement, workplace spirituality significantly predicted employee engagement, workplace spirituality significantly correlated work-life balance and workplace spirituality significantly moderated the relationship between work-life balance and employee engagement among bank employees in Delta State, implying that workplace spirituality reduced the negative effects of work-life balance and improved employee engagement. It is recommended that there is a need to explore factors which increase or decrease workplace spirituality among employees as this could help management to establish motivational paradigms which may be catalysts to the sustenance of workplace spirituality to reap its attendant organizational benefits.</p>Augusta Onyebuchi OjobuLeonard Nneamaka EzehChiamaka Joe-Akunne
Copyright (c) 2024 African Psychologist: An International Journal of Psychology and Allied Profession
2024-06-052024-06-05142Influence of infrastructure development on central banks’ money supply in Nigeria.
<p>This research work evaluates the influence of Infrastructure Development indicators on money supply. The Problem of the study presides on the difficult of Central Bank of Nigeria to achieve the goal of monetary policy without adequate infrastructure system in Nigeria. This work was anchored on The Keynesian theory which believes that increase in government spending should promote economic growth and development. Being an ex-post facto research, data were obtained through secondary sources. The annual data were sourced and collected for the period of 1988-2022 from the CBN Statistical Bulletin (2023), International Financial Statistics, International Monetary Fund (IMF) database and World Bank database. The data were analysed using E-views version 8 and SPSS version. The findings revealed that Infrastructure development indicators had significant effect on Money Supply in Nigeria. The government through the Central Bank of Nigeria and the Ministry of Finance should promote sound monetary and fiscal policies management that will stabilize money supply in Nigeria.</p>Nonso John OkoyeWisdom Okere Lawrence Nnamdi Okeke
Copyright (c) 2024 African Psychologist: An International Journal of Psychology and Allied Profession
2024-06-052024-06-05142Self-Compassion and Empathic Concerns as Correlates of Prosocial Behavior among Youths in Awka Metropolis
<p>This study investigated self-compassion and empathic concern as correlates of prosocial behavior among youths in Awka metropolis. A total of 188 participants were systematically drawn from a list of youths who applied for the Anambara state small scale business startup loan at the Ministry of Spots and Youth Empowerment who reside in Awka metropolis. 81 of the participants were male while 107 were females. They included 89 students, 34 civil servants, 42 self-employed and 15 unemployed. The age of the participants ranged from 19 to 35 years with the mean age of 22.7 and a standard deviation of 4.35. Three instruments were used for data collection, namely: Self-compassion Scale (SCS), Empathic Subscale of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) and Self Report Altruism scale (SRAS). Correlational design and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Analysis were used for design and appropriate statistics respectively. The result revealed that: a) a positive significant relationship between self-compassion and prosocial behavior r=.58, p<.05; b) a positive significant relationship between empathic concern and prosocial behavior at r=.17, p<.05. Based on the findings, it was recommended that parents, religious leaders and other religious agents of socialization should set examples and also get youths to engage in various practical community services in order to help inspire them to participate in helping. </p>C.U Obi, C.O AnazonwuM.C AnyaegbunamK.O NwekeC.F IfedigboC Nwakasi
Copyright (c) 2024 African Psychologist: An International Journal of Psychology and Allied Profession