Factors in the Choice of Contraceptives among University Undergraduates


  • Barnabas Ekpere Nwankwo, Ph.D Caritas University
  • Stephanie Ezeh Caritas University
  • Tobias Obi Caritas University
  • Nnaemeka Abamara Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. Nigeria


Reproductive health, Sexually transmitted disease, Choice of Contraceptive


This study investigated the effect of gender and age on choice of contraceptives among university undergraduates from the population of Enugu State Urban Universities namely; Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Institute of Management and Technology, Caritas University and University of Nigeria Enugu campus. The findings revealed that males and females differ significantly in their choice of contraceptive and older adolescents differed significantly in their choice of contraceptives. An individual's choice of contraceptive is significantly determined by his or her age and gender. One major implication of this study is that experience among the participants who are much older played a role in understanding the importance and making good choice of contraceptives; especially among those who were sexually active. The findings in the study would be used in sensitizing policy makers and service providers by forging new partnership between non-governmental organization (NGOs), government institutions and end users. It will also be useful in
bringing about behavioral change in men situated in diverse social and cultural backgrounds against
women on reproductive health issues.

Author Biographies

Barnabas Ekpere Nwankwo, Ph.D, Caritas University

Department of Psychology

Stephanie Ezeh, Caritas University

Department of Psychology

Tobias Obi, Caritas University

Department of Psychology

Nnaemeka Abamara, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. Nigeria

Department of Psychology




How to Cite

Nwankwo, B. E., Ezeh, S., Obi, T., & Abamara, N. (2018). Factors in the Choice of Contraceptives among University Undergraduates. African Psychologist: An International Journal of Psychology and Allied Profession, 3(1). Retrieved from https://journals.aphriapub.com/index.php/AP/article/view/529


